
Bishop Sam marks start of Advent

Bishop Sam has marked the start of Advent with an interview on BBC Radio Manchester. Bishop Sam told Mike Shaft of the joy he has experienced meeting people around the diocese, including Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham.

Carols on the Kop

After the Tranmere Rovers home game on Saturday 18 December, the Kop end of the pitch plays host to a carol concert and readings from the Christmas story. Katie Ritson, will perform a solo.

Church House Blog: Words and action

Jonny Masters shares some thoughts on the role young people can and are playing in keeping the environment and creation on the agenda and helping the Church and wider society to turn words and promises into action.

Called to Serve confirmed for 2022

The flagship diocesan vocations day, Called to Serve, will take place on Saturday 29 January 2022. Fifty places are available to individuals who want to find out more about the different vocations available to them in the Church.,

Growing Faith Foundation Head appointed

The Church of England’s first Head of its new Growing Faith Foundation has been announced as Lucy Moore. The Growing Faith Concept began in 2019 to promote partnership between the church, school and household.

School rated "good" for first time

A Church of England High School has been rated "Good" by Ofsted for the first time in its history. Sir Thomas Boteler hosted the bishops on the day Downing Street announced Julie and Sam as the bishops of Birkenhead and Stockport.

A Church Near You for Christmas

Every church can have a presence on A Church Near You, the website platform which is helping churches to share service details with people who might be unfamiliar with Church and seeking a local Christmas service.

At the heart of Christmas

'At the heart of Christmas' is the Church of England's theme for Advent and Christmas 2021. A wide range of resources and support is available for use by churches, including printed and digital materials.

11 year old eco-champion secures church award

Holy Trinity Blacon is celebrating after being awarded a Bronze Eco Church award by the Christian environmental charity A’Rocha. The award is largely down to the efforts of what could be our youngest eco-champion and her mother.

New beginnings for Church House staff

Church House will bid farewell to three members of staff at the end of this year. Sandra Reynolds, Peter Bacon, and Emily Allen are all moving on to new beginnings after serving parishes across the Diocese of Chester for a number of years.

Church magazine competition

The search is on for Britain's best church magazine. Entries are now invited for the annual competition run by the Association for Church Editors. The deadline for entering is 07 February.

Cranmer Awards return

The regional and national competition in which young people are judged on their delivery of extracts from the Book of Common Prayer, returns this year. The regional heat will take place on 28 November.

Poppies at Christ Church, Bebington

Over the past year, over 100 parishioners have been knitting thousands of poppies for an amazing display at Christ Church, Bebington, to mark the centenary of the Royal British Legion poppy appeal.

November CDN is now available

The November edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available. There's news and events from around the diocese and you can see Rev Lynn Boyle getting on her bike to mark the poppy appeal.

Volunteers sought to assist training delivery

Volunteers are being sought to assist the diocese in delivering safeguarding training to parishes. The volunteers must be suitably qualified and experienced with a willingness to assist the lead trainers in a co-working capacity. 

Church launches consultation on Net Zero

The Church of England is to consult dioceses, cathedrals, national institutions, parishes, schools, and other interested parties on a proposed route map to achieve net-zero carbon by 2030.

Motorbike ride-out pays tribute to the fallen

The Revd Lynn Boyle joined 100 bikers on a ride-out from St Paul’s, Compstall to mark the centenary of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Each motorbike carried the name of a soldier who had died in battle.

Christian social enterprise opens in Poynton

Just-Ice, Poynton opened its doors to the public in October. The ice cream shop and community hub in the centre of the village is run on Christian values, where “all are welcome" and aims to offer employment to survivors of slavery.

More keynote speakers announced

The planning team behind next year's Clergy Gathering has announced two more keynote speakers. The conference will take place between 16 and 19 of May 2022 at Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire.

What are you doing for the planet?

A new video resource has been sent to all Church schools to help start a conversation about the small things we can do in our everyday lives to help protect the planet from environmental damage.

Knitted Bible in Hartford

In November, St John's Church in Hartford is excited to be hosting an exhibition of The Knitted Bible. The exhibition will be visited by school children and is also open to the general public to enjoy.

Chester Cathedral given a helping hand

Chester Cathedral is to benefit from a £198,599 grant, towards restoring Chester Cathedral’s historic, Grade 1 listed Abbey Gateway. It will undergo much-needed conservation and maintenance.

Bishops Sam and Julie grilled by Archdeacons

Bishop Sam Corley and Bishop Julie Conalty have each had their Welcome Services in the last week. They were asked some very searching and personal questions by the Archdeacons who gave no quarter in their grillings.

Church bells to ring ahead of COP26

Churches across the country are planning to ring their bells on the eve of COP26. Churches will join in the Ring Out for Climate initiative at 18:00 for 30 minutes on Saturday 30 October.

Clergy Gathering speaker confirmed

The planning team behind next year's Clergy Gathering has confirmed the name of one of its key note speakers. The conference will take place between 16 and 19 of May 2022 at Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire.

Net zero Sunday Service

Parishes are invited to hold a net zero service between now and the 7th November. Resources are available to help parishes measure the carbon footprint of their services, including travel emissions, heating, lighting and electricity.

Woodchurch receives Green Flag Award

Holy Cross Woodchurch Churchyard has achieved the Green Flag Award. The Green Flag Award scheme recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces. Holy Cross Churchyard is one of 2127 award-winning green spaces.

General Synod election results 2021

The voting and subsequent counting of the votes for the General Synod election for the Diocese of Chester has now been completed. The counting of votes took place on the afternoon of 13 October 2021.

Lay licensing service 2021

On Saturday 9th October Bishop Mark admitted and licensed twelve lay people at Chester Cathedral. Seven readers and one pastoral worker were also there, as were eighteen readers and four pastoral workers who became emeritus.

Chester Diocesan News out now

The October edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available. Revd Canon Lameck Mutete talks about 'Black lives matter' and introduces the 'Global Images of Christ' exhibition at Chester Cathedral.

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