Deliverance Ministry

Deliverance is the ministry of liberating, freeing or delivering a person from a burden that they carry. The field of Deliverance Ministry is very wide, and whilst it is not expected that the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor would need to be involved in every case, there may be safeguarding implications to consider. 

Deliverance Ministry Advisors are appointed by the diocesan Bishop and work as part of a team that includes a psychiatrist and a counsellor, along with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor. They are all trained to respond to requests, enquiries and offer assistance as necessary.

The Deliverance Team is here to advise the clergy and sharing of an individual advisor's personal contact details directly with the general public is to be avoided.

Revd Canon Elaine Chegwin Hall is the convenor of the Deliverance Team and can be contacted by email at or via Church House on 01928 718834.

I have been contacted by someone seeking deliverance ministry

If you are contacted by someone seeking deliverance ministry, it is important every enquiry is treated with care and consideration. 

Please note that there might be safeguarding implications to consider. If you require advice or are uncertain of the safeguarding implications, please telephone Sean Augustin, Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser on 07704 338885 or email

In the first instance contact the incumbent of your parish or in their absence because of a vacancy, sabbatical or holiday, contact the Rural Dean, the incumbent of a neighbouring parish, or the Archdeacon to talk through the situation.

Deliverance Ministry Advisors work across the Diocese of Chester and a member of the team will be deployed to assist. The advisors work alongside the parish minister so that the long-term pastoral care for the parish continues. 

Resources to help you

A short form to help you in your conversation with someone seeking support can be downloaded here.
This should be read alongside the Deliverance Ministry Toolkit for Clergy which can be downloaded here


The Deliverance Ministry Team was formed in the autumn of 2021. You can read its Terms of Reference here

Page last updated: Wednesday 3rd April 2024 12:15 PM
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