Ministerial Development Review

Ministry Development Review (MDR) in the Diocese of Chester is there to support clergy in their well-being and ministry. The outcomes of MDRs inform the programme for Continuing Ministerial Development in the diocese. The MDR process is coordinated by the Rev’d Ian Arch (Bishop’s Adviser for Ministerial Development) and Jane Gerrard (Executive Administrator, Ministry Team) who are based at Church House. 

All licensed clergy are obliged to participate in the scheme (except curates in IME 2, and those on freehold who may opt out). The scheme runs in a three-year cycle as below.  


The bishops make it a priority to see each member of the clergy once every three years, and for a trained consultant to meet with them a year before that. An effective MDR will often lead on to appropriate support and training, from within and beyond the Diocese. 

SSOMs, including those in sector ministries 
Some Self-Supporting Ordained Ministers will have effective annual review processes in their ministry context, which may by agreement replace the meeting with the Bishop's Reviewer in Year 1 of the cycle. Those without an effective annual review, or those wishing to focus on aspects of ministerial life which are not touched on or not understood by a workplace review scheme, are welcome to make full use of the Year 1 MDR. As with all licensed clergy, the bishops are expecting to meet with SSOMs once every three years. 

Clergy appointed to Freehold 
Clergy appointed to a Freehold rather than under Common Tenure will be aware that they are not required to participate in the MDR scheme, though they are encouraged to do so. It is our working assumption that they will be fully included in the scheme, unless they write to the Bishop’s Adviser for Ministerial Development to indicate otherwise. 

Curates in IME 2 
Following completion of a curacy, MDRs will usually start in the second year of a new appointment, with other tailored support being available in the first year of your first post of responsibility. 

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Preparing for your Ministerial Development Review

Guidance for clergy preparing for their MDRs

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