Human Resources
"I come that you might have life, life in all its fullness”"
This saying of Jesus resonates with the aims of the Human Resources Service in the diocese, which is about enabling all those who further the work of the Church in this place to do so in roles best suited to their skills and abilities, and to enable them to be supported to grow and develop in their particular ministry. Talents are there to be nurtured, not buried, so that all benefit from their fruits.
Our HR information is divided into sections pertaining to clergy, parishes and DBF Staff.
Liz Geddes, Diocesan Director of HR
01928 643438 (Mobile 07918 732808)
Liz is responsible for all aspects of clergy and lay HR and is the Designated Officer for clergy appointments.
She also supports lay staff, helping parishes who employ staff and managing DBS processes.
Maxine Southwick, HR Officer
01928 643440 (Mobile 07701 325223)
Stipends and Clergy Payroll, Clergy Moves, Clergy DBS, Vacancy Expenses, Parish Vacancy paperwork, Diocesan Fees queries.
Julie Watts, PA to the Diocesan Director of HR
01928 643433