Safeguarding training requirements

The Diocese of Chester is committed to delivering high-quality safeguarding training for clergy and parishes.

Parishes should ensure that all officers and volunteers are trained to the correct level. It is the responsibility of both the individual and the PCC to ensure these criteria are fulfilled. Online training completed can be monitored via the online training portal, details here 

The Church of England's Safeguarding Learning & Development Framework 2021 provides guidance on safeguarding training along with details of the various learning pathways currently available.

Please note that your highest level of required safeguarding training should be renewed every three years.

Listed below are the safeguarding training courses available:
Basic Safeguarding Awareness 

This course will connect the core principles and practices of safeguarding to the Christian faith and can be completed by anyone wanting a basic understanding of safeguarding.
Pre-Requisites: None

Required attendees:

  • All Church Officers
  • Anyone going on to complete any other safeguarding learning pathway. 

This course is online and can be accessed via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.

Please allow 90 minutes to complete it. This can be broken down into a number of sessions.

Foundation Safeguarding Training
This course builds on the learning gained from the Basic Awareness course and helps to provide an understanding of good safeguarding practice in relation to your role and responsibilities.
Pre-Requisites: Basic Awareness course.

Required attendees:

  • Anyone holding the Bishop's license, commission, authorisation, or permission (clergy, PTO, Readers, LLMs)
  • Anyone in a role that involves work with children, young people or vulnerable adults
  • Churchwardens
  • Vergers
  • PCC members / Lay Chapter members
  • Spiritual Directors
  • Pre-ordination or license students prior to BAP or selection Panel
  • Staff at Theological Education Institutions with student-facing roles
  • members of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel
  • Anyone going on to complete any other safeguarding learning pathway

This course is online and can be accessed via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal

Please allow 90 minutes to complete it. This can be broken down into a number of sessions.

Safeguarding Leadership 
The Leadership Pathway is about leadership and cultural change and hence the people who participate should be those who play a lead role in shaping the culture of their Church body. 

Pre-Requisites: Basic Awareness and Foundation courses. There is mandatory pre-course work to complete and return in the three weeks leading up to the commencement of the course.

Required attendees:

  • All clergy holding the Bishop’s license, commission, authorisation, or permission ( can include PTO if their role meets leadership criteria)
  • Honorary/Assistant Bishops and Chaplains
  • All readers and Licensed Lay Ministers holding the Bishop's Licence (can include PTO if their role meets leadership criteria)
  • Non-executive members of Chapter (unless their role in the Diocese requires a higher level)
  • Safeguarding Officers / Leads in all Church bodies
  • Teaching staff at Theological Education Institutions who are delivering the Leadership Pathway
  • Other people who significantly influence the culture of the Church body. For example lay ministry staff employed by a PCC or Bishops Mission Order, locally appointed leaders of new worshipping communities, focal ministers and Churchwardens when parish in vacancy. 
  • This course is delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team via two zoom meeting sessions lasting no longer than 90 minutes each or one Face to Face 3 hour session.  Dates and booking information can be found here.


Safeguarding Leadership training for those with Permission to Officiate
This course will explore and reflect upon the safeguarding dimensions involved in the ministry of those who hold PTO and whose role does not meet the Leadership training criteria above. 
Pre-Requisites: Basic Awareness and Foundation courses. There is some reading to complete prior to the course.

Required attendees:

  • Anyone holding PTO or is a Reader emeritus whose role does not meet the Leadership Pathway criteria above.

This is a two-hour course and is delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team via zoom meeting or a face to face session.  Dates and booking information can be found here.

Parish Safeguarding Officer Induction Training
This course will equip newly appointed PSOs with an understanding of the role and induct them into key working practices and relationships. It is also suitable for existing PSOs wanting to refresh their knowledge.

Pre-Requisites: Basic Awareness, Foundation and Leadership courses. There is some reading to complete prior to the course.

Required attendees:
•   Persons taking on the role of Parish Safeguarding Officer

This is a two-hour course and is delivered by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team via zoom meeting.   Dates and booking information can be found here.

Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
This course will equip participants to engage thoughtfully and proactively with the issue of domestic abuse and those affected.
Pre-Requisites: Basic and Foundation courses.

Required attendees:

  • Anyone holding the Bishop's license, commission, authorisation or permission (clergy, PTO, Readers, LLMs)
  • Bishop's Visitors / Pastoral Visitors
  • Safeguarding Officers
  • Ordinands during IME 1
  • PCC Members / Lay Chapter Members
  • Staff at Theological Education Institutions with student-facing roles
  • Members of the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel

Whilst the above are required to attend, this course is also recommended for any other persons in a pastoral role within the Church.

This course is online and can be accessed via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.

Please allow 90 minutes to complete it. This can be broken down into a number of sessions.

Safer Recruitment & People Management
This course will equip participants with an understanding of safer recruitment and the skills and practices necessary to promote positive safeguarding behaviour (and detect safeguarding risk) once a person is in role.

Pre-Requisites: Basic and Foundation courses.
Required attendees:


  • Line Managers and anyone involved in the recruitment of Church Officers (employees, elected members and volunteers)
  • Those with responsibility for administering DBS
  • Safeguarding Officers in all Church bodies
  • Ordinands during IME 1

This course is online and can be accessed via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.  Face to face session dates and booking information can be found here.

Please allow 90 minutes to complete it. This can be broken down into a number of sessions.

For advice and assistance relating to any of the above courses please contact

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
An optional e-learning module for all to raise awareness and understanding of this issue.
To complete the ‘Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking’ e-learning module, please access via the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal.

Page last updated: Friday 23rd August 2024 10:42 AM
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