A 'silly flyer' can make a difference
A "silly flyer" is how Jim Johnson describes a church leaflet that was put through his letter box last year. But something in that flyer compelled Jim to go to church. This is his story.
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A "silly flyer" is how Jim Johnson describes a church leaflet that was put through his letter box last year. But something in that flyer compelled Jim to go to church. This is his story.
Church House welcomes our newest member of staff, Samantha Sudderey, who has joined the Safeguarding Team as an Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.
The Church of England has been making more resources available for this year's Christmas campaign, titled, Follow the Star. The downloadable resources, which include videos, graphics, and music are free to use in church buildings, websites, and social media.
The Yearbook, the printed directory of contacts from across the diocese has been discontinued. The 2022 edition featuring the three bishops on the front cover is the last edition. In its place will be a new online Contact Management System due to be rolled out in the New Year.
With the rise in energy costs and an increase in the cost of living, many people are struggling to keep their homes heated properly, which is why churches across the diocese are doing their best to help by providing places of warmth and welcome.
St Bridget’s in West Kirby has struck up a great relationship with their local school in which pupils help out at St Bridget's church centre every Wednesday at 10am as part of a Place of Welcome in the community.
The Everyday Faith events held across the diocese for parishes from every deanery to attend, have concluded with a final event in Stockport. Over the course of seven months, hundreds of representatives from parishes in every deanery have come to learn more about how the local church can encourage people to live out their faith in everyday life.
When Christ Church, Bebington discovered that local financial cutbacks by the council meant that there wasn't going to be an organised bonfire night for the community, they got all fired up, sparked some ideas around, and decided to have a blast in the church garden.
During a recent Sunday service at Christ Church, Moreton, Pastoral Worker Jane Fisher explained to the congregation what 'pastoral care' is all about. She describes pastoral care as the "ministry of listening" that's part of a "network of care" for the community.
The number of people using the Church of England’s Daily Prayer audio service has passed a million, as the podcasting revolution becomes part of many people's daily pattern of worship. Just search Daily Prayer wherever you get your podcasts.
Bishop Julie Conalty has contributed a Bible reflection to a safeguarding campaign organised by Christian safeguarding chairty, Thirtyone:eight. Her reflection is part of a suite of resources including prayers, worship ideas, animations, and liturgy that are freely available to churches.
Christian, Jewish and Muslim perspectives of Divine Love will be the topic of discussion at an event on 14 November as part of Interfaith Week. Find out more about the three speakers from the main Abrahamic faiths taking part.
The Church of England has published lots of advice to help churches reduce their energy costs this winter. There are practical suggestions from the Cathedral and Church Buildings Division and also a webinar on "housekeeping and quick wins" which discusses a range of ideas for reducing energy usage.
Jerry Marshall is a member of St Mary’s Church Weaverham, where he is a youth leader, communications coordinator, and part of their café church team. He also devotes his time to helping people in Africa, something to which he says he feels called by God to do.
Buildings for Mission Adviser, Sheena Wilson, looks at Warm Hubs and offers some advice on whether this is something you and your church could be offering this winter. There are plenty of resources to help you explore this topic at a time of need for many in our communities.
The Growing Faith Foundation is seeking to resource 12 Learning Hubs across the country to further its impact. The hubs will act as strong developmental communities of practice from which other school and church leaders (both regionally and nationally) can learn.
The Revd Lesley Currie is the newly appointed Dean of Women in Ministry for the Diocese of Chester. She will support ordained and lay women in ministry and encourage them to apply for senior posts, diocesan groups, and committees.
On Saturday 15 October over 60 women attended what was the 9th Women's Voices Conference. Five fantastic speakers were invited to share their perspectives on the Bible.
The Church of England has responded to the publication of the final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). The Church of England was one of the first institutions to call for the Inquiry and a spokesperson for the Church says it is "taking its recommendations very seriously."
Christ Church, Higher Bebington has been celebrating becoming the first church in the diocese to receive a gold Eco Church award - the highest accolade possible in the award scheme from A Rocha, the Christian environmental organisation.
The Christmas campaign theme for 2022 from the Church of England is 'Follow the Star - The Great Invitation'. Some resources have already been released with more promised and a webinar, which you can watch here, explains what's happening.
Many churches across the diocese are already registered with A Church Near You, the website that helps people to find a church in their area. For churches it’s a great way to put yourself on the map, literally, so that people know where you are, how to find you and who to contact, via phone or email.
Chester Cathedral held a Diversity Service on Sunday 16 October to welcome and celebrate those from diverse and minority communities from different races, sexuality, and physical and mental abilities.
What is Divine Love, and how is it interpreted by the Islamic, Jewish and Christian faiths? This question forms the basis of the 'Together in Love' event which event is being held on 14 November during Interfaith Week. All are welcome to attend.
The Church of England is to provide £15 million for dioceses to help churches struggling to pay energy costs. The Diocese of Chester is set to receive £299,000 to support parishes. Further details will be communicated shortly.
It was a glorious sunny day on 08 October when 16 men and women were licensed into lay ministry roles at Chester Cathedral on 8 October 2022. Please pray for them, as they begin their new ministries, and for the parishes in which they will serve.
This week, Deb Toole arrived at Church House to begin her role as P.A for the Archdeacon of Macclesfield, Ian Bishop. She was previously a medical secretary at Halton and Warrington Hospital, where she worked for twenty-nine years.
The Church of England has published its national Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2) report, the purpose of which was to identify both good practice and institutional failings in relation to the handling of allegations of abuse. The Diocese of Chester has also published its Summary Report.
Christ Church, Wheelock recently gave thanks for the dedicated service of two members of its congregation. George Wood has recently marked 60 years as a Reader alongside his sister June who has been playing the church organ for 75 years. George's nephew Carleton will be licensed as a Reader on Saturday.
The Bishop of Chester is today launching the vision development process for the Diocese of Chester. The grassroots consultation aims to "cast the net wide" in order to capture the views of the widest number of people in our churches and communities to determine the vision and strategy for the future.