
Cathedral exhibiton on BBC Radio Merseyside

Jane Brooke, Vice Dean and Canon Missioner at Chester Cathedral talks to BBC Merseyside about the 'Threads through creation' exhibition, a spectacular display of twelve huge silk panels retelling the creation story.

City is looking for a new saviour

Organisers of Chester City Passion 2022 are recruiting for the major role of Jesus Christ in their forthcoming production. The play tells the story of Jesus Christ’s last few days, including his arrival in Jerusalem.

New Bible study resource from Home for Good

Bishop Sam personally recommends a new study resource for anyone who would like to dig a bit deeper into what the Bible says about the heart of God and how that closely connects to finding a home for every child who needs one.

Transforming a forgotten wasteland

Revd Emma Handley and a dedicated team of parishioners at St Paul's church, Staybridge are transforming a large piece of negelcted church land into a tree and wildflower oasis for the whole community.

More than 130 booked on Lay Conference so far

If you still haven't booked on the Lay Conference then you might be pleased to hear that you can now book your FREE place yourself, without having to confirm it with your PCC Secretary.

Events kept going during Covid

Despite the challenges, Church House has continued to deliver a range of events during the last two years, ranging from training courses to youth meetings, both in-person and online, depending on Government guidance.

All churches invited to contribute to new artwork

Chester Cathedral and esteemed Cheshire-based artist, Stephen Broadbent, are launching an exciting new project called the Pilgrim Porch, which aims to capture a snapshot of worshipping life across the Diocese of Chester.

"Vital" strategic vacancy opens

The Diocese of Chester is seeking to appoint someone to help build a new vision and strategic direction for the diocese. Please share details across your networks with those who might feel called to apply.

Members sought for new Photography Guild

The Diocese of Chester is seeking talented local photographers to help capture the Christian faith in the diocese. If you’re interested and would like to expand your photography portfolio, please get in touch.

Eight million stitches to create the world

Threads Through Creation, a spectacular display of twelve huge silk panels retelling the creation story from the first pages of the Bible opened at Chester Cathedral this week and will run until March.

42 dioceses pledge to become an “Eco Diocese”

All 42 dioceses in the Church of England have signed up to become an “Eco Diocese” as part of their commitment to reach carbon net-zero by 2030. Parishes can also pledge to become Eco Churches as part of the A Rocha scheme.

12 spaces remain for Called to Serve

Final preparations are being made for the vocations event Called to Serve, which takes place on Saturday 29 January at Foxhill. 12 spaces still remain on the one-day event for those wishing to explore God’s call on their lives. 

Three recent arrivals at Church House

Jane Gerrard, Bessia Kanengoni and Laura Howard have recently joined the staff team at Church House where they will be supporting our work in helping parishes across the Diocese of Chester.

Church House Blog: Let's talk vocations

The Director of Vocations writes in this Church House Blog about the ways in which we can all play our role in encouraging vocation, in ourselves and others around us, through relationships, conversations, and careful listening.

Youth Speak Christmas get together

Four young people from around the Diocese of Chester got together at Foxhill in December to discuss with Bishop Julie their thoughts on the topic of "inclusion" as part of a regular meeting of Youth Speak.

More music festival chaplaincy work for Lynn

Although the Revd Lynn Boyle retires as Vicar of St Paul’s, Compstall on 31 December, after more than a decade in parish ministry, she fully expects to continue her chaplaincy work at the Buckle and Boots Country Music Festival.

Hundreds turn out for Carols on the Kop

Hundreds of football fans enjoyed a post-match carol concert at Prenton Park on Saturday 18 December at what is fast becoming a much-loved tradition and missional opportunity in Birkenhead.

Christmas radio messages from Julie and Mark

Bishop Mark and Bishop Julie delivered their Christmas messages as part of the Daybreak programme on BBC Radio Merseyside on Sunday 19 December. Listen to their Christmas messages here.

Clergy housing emergency cover

Church House will be closed from lunchtime on Thursday 23 December and will re-open on Tuesday 4 January 2022. In the event of a clergy housing emergency (e.g. escape of water, total loss of power), emergency cover is available.

'None of us are safe until we're all safe'

Dr Michael Beasley, Bishop of Hertford and an epidemiologist, writes of the urgent need to vaccinate the world on the first anniversary of vaccines being administered in the United Kingdom.

Talking Jesus

A new online course called Talking Jesus will inspire you to share your faith and will give you practical suggestions to help you to be natural and relevant as you talk about Jesus with the people you meet.

Thanking the NHS at the Cathedral

Chester Cathedral will give thanks for the work of the NHS at a special Christmas Celebration on Sunday 12 December starting at 3pm. Expect jolly Christmas carols as well as reflections on the last year.

Bishop Mark writes for Cheshire Life mag

Writing in December's edition of Cheshire Life magazine, Bishop Mark has shared a Christmas message for the people of Cheshire and confirms that it is OK to eat chocolate before breakfast on Christmas Day. 

Christian entrepreneur guided by God

Jerry Marshall, a member of St Mary's Church, Weaverham, always wanted to be financially successful but has since sensed God calling him to take a different road and "deal" with his "financial ambitions".

A time for sharing, love and faith

The Church of England has launched a film that explores what is at the heart of Christmas, which forms the centrepiece of the Advent and Christmas campaign #AtTheHeartOfChristmas

December CDN is now available

The December edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available online as a PDF. This edition includes a reflection from Bishop Mark and information about the new national Church of England Christmas campaign.

The Lay Conference is coming

The Lay Conference 2022 will take place during the weekend of 25 March 2022. Titled, "Not just Sunday - Encouraging #EverydayFaith" it is free to attend with accommodation and all meals included.

Inaugural session of the new General Synod

Following their election in October, representatives of the Diocese of Chester attended the inaugural meeting of the new General Synod in November, including Sam Wilson, who is one of Synod's youngest.

Lynne Cullens to be next Bishop of Barking

Downing Street has announced that the Revd Lynne Cullens will be the next Bishop of Barking in the Diocese of Chelmsford. Lynne is currently the Rector of Stockport and Brinnington, a role she has held since 2019.

Bishop of London comments on new variant

The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, has called for everyone to take steps to protect themselves and others following the identification of the new omicron variant of Covid-19. She confirms that new Government guidance is expected.

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