"Thank You" from Keith and Rosie Sinclair

Following his leaving service on 07 March and subsequent retirement on 08 March, Former Bishop of Birkenhead, Keith Sinclair, and his wife Rosie, have written a letter of thanks to the dicoese.

Bishop Keith has accepted a new role as the National Director of the Church of England Evangelical Council and will take up his post in April.

You can read more about his leaving service here, where you can read his sermon and also watch the service on YouTube

Bishop Keith's letter of thanks

Dear Friends,

It is over a week since our farewell service in Chester Cathedral, and nearly a week since we actually moved house here to Openshaw in Manchester.

Those of you who have moved house recently will know how strange and exhausting it has been/is! We have been warmly welcomed by neighbours and members of St Clements Openshaw, and on Sunday last worshipping in person was possible even with Covid restrictions and it was wonderful!

Rereading the cards and letters and realising the enormous generosity of everyone in the leaving gift from the diocese has been like the wind bringing warmth and refreshment (even in the constant rain of last week!). Thank you to all who have written or sent messages in the beautiful folder with the photos. So much very happy remembering, calling to mind the Lord’s goodness and love expressed in his people. We have received meals on the doorstep here and have been sustained by the most delicious cake which was also part of your gift last Sunday. I hope you won’t mind that we have sat a little light to some of our Lenten resolutions this week! We’ve not yet put up the beautiful picture or planted the rose bush but we thank you so much for both as further gifts of love.

It would not be true to say that moving has all been easy; I believe in God’s guidance and peace over the timing of the move and the leaving, but the loss of fellowship and friendship has been quite intense even though we know that such gifts from God are not limited in time or space but will always continue; the cloud of witnesses does not disappear! (Hebrews 12:1)

Thank you for your continued prayer. We will continue to pray for the appointments of the new bishops in the diocese, and the whole team.

As we approach Passiontide, Holy Week and Easter, may we know Christ and the power of his resurrection, even as we share in the fellowship of his sufferings. He is our Lord, he has made us his own by his sacrificial death for us, he has given us a new identity and a glorious destiny.

In the service this last Sunday the musicians included the song which has the refrain “He will hold me fast, he will hold me fast, for my Saviour loves me so, he will hold me fast” May we know that holding every day.

Thank you so much again.

With love in Christ,

Keith and Rosie Sinclair



The appointment of two new bishops

The Diocese of Chester has been given permission to appoint two new bishops. You can find out about the process and read the information pack for the two roles here. Bishop Mark is also inviting the diocese to pray for the discernment process. 

Page last updated: Tuesday 16th March 2021 11:08 AM
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