Gift Aid Training

Gift Aid Secretary Support provided by Data Developments

Recovering Gift Aid correctly  boosts your donated income by a very significant  25%, therefore good management of the scheme is very important. Parishes often have queries that relate to Gift Aid requirements. In recognising this, Data Developments have developed a free Gift Aid course. 

The course explains the requirements gives practical examples and useful hints and tips for both new and existing Gift Aid Secretaries. Time is left at the end of each session for live Q&A. 

The courses are run by past and present Treasurers/Gift Aid Secretaries with the aim of spreading good practice, improved reporting and giving support to the people in the roles they have volunteered for. These courses are open to everyone, not just those who have signed up to use the Data Developments accounting pacakges and include:  

Gift Aid and GASDS course:

This course will explore the more detailed work of the Gift Aid Secretary. From the beginning of What is Gift Aid and What is GASDS to what can and can't be claimed and what records are needed to be kept. 

  1. What is Gift Aid and what do I need to do to claim it ?

  2. What money can and can’t I claim on ?

  3. What is GASDS, why is it different to Gift Aid and how can I claim it ?

Gift Aid Training Part 1 

What is Gift Aid, How much can I claim, What do I need to be able to claim Gift Aid, What can and cannot be claimed, What is a Gift Aid Declaration

Friday 19th July  - 1pm - 2pm

Gift Aid Training Part 2

Aggregated donations, sponsored events, Church collections for other charities - can Gift Aid be claimed on these?, Can Gift Aid be claimed on volunteers' expenses?, Donations for supporting missionaries, Charity events and Concerts

Friday 26th July  - 1pm - 2pm

Gift Aid Training Part 3

Charity Auctions, Can Gift Aid be claimed on waived loans or repayments, What records should I keep, What is GASDS, Good Practice, Useful resources

Friday 2nd August - 1pm - 2pm


Page last updated: Tuesday 16th July 2024 2:39 PM
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