
Over the past few years the issues of climate change, loss of biodiversity and the impact that human living and choices have upon the Earth have all become much more to the fore of everyday life. This is true in the Churches too. Although there have been many Christian voices across the denominations speaking about these things for over half a decade, in recent years there has been an increase in the urgency of the message to care for the Earth. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has said:

"Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbour and to steward the gift of creation."

In Chester Diocese the ‘Environment Forum seek to advocate issues around ecology and to envision how individuals and parishes across the diocese can better connect with the fifth Mark of Mission:

‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’

There are many different strands wrapped up in the whole area of environmental concern and the Christian response to current issues: some are fairly straightforward, others are much more complex. One thing is clear though – there is an urgent need for a new response alongside an increased focus on the issues in our prayers.

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