The April edition of CDN is out now and this month prayer is the focus.
Download the April edition of CDN
Produced before coronavirus had taken hold in the UK, the CDN is usually distributed to 26,000 people around the diocese. However, the CDN will become digital-only until further notice, to help reduce the risk of transmitting the disease.

A man is blessed on the streets of Crewe on Ash Wednesday
The CDN features comments from the Archdeacon of Macclesfield, Ian Bishop, who encourages readers to try praying, though admits that even he finds it difficult. He says: "Bizarrely, in the middle of one of the busiest seasons of ministry I’ve ever experienced, I’ve suddenly found prayer a bit easier. Just when I have all the excuses not to pray because of time constraints, the necessity to do so has never been more real."
Also in this edition, Emily Allen, Church Buildings Mission in the Diocese of Chester shares her thought on a new initiative called Houses of Prayer and invites you and your parish to reimagine how your church building is playing its role as a place of prayer. Responding to the closure of church buildings, Emily has also written a recent blog in which she shares thoughts and practical advice on how you can ensure your church building can remain a blessing to a community, even when the doors are shut.

Archbishop Justin Welby and CBBC’s Gemma Hunt
Other items include details about Thy Kingdom Come which will take place between Ascension and Pentecost, though perhaps in a revised form due to coronavirus. However, digital resources and apps are available for families to download and use together.
Speaking at an event to launch some fo the new resources, Archbishop Justin spoke about the potentially life-changing power of prayer: “What excites me is that as we come together and pray for people to be filled with the Spirit, so they come to know and love Jesus Christ, to repent of their sins and turn away from all that is wrong and to find the love of Christ filling their hearts, we are in fact praying for the changing of
our world.”
People and parishes are free to share the CDN through their networks and distribution lists.
Download the April edition of CDN
This latest edition of the CDN comes at a time when the Acting Bishop of Chester launches a Prayer Hub for the diocese and invites people to "share a prayer and pray a prayer".
Bishop Keith says: “I want to encourage everyone, whatever your experience of prayer may be - seasoned regular or just dipping your toe - to try walking with God in prayer today.
“There is an abundance of armchair-prayers that can be said for our communities, NHS, police, schools, business leaders, and government, as well as for individuals and their personal circumstances.”
Prayer sheets made up of prayers requested for a wide range of situations will be made available for people to download and pray in their own time. In addition, a discreet group of 12 volunteers is also praying day and night for sensitive situations that people may not wish to share with the wider diocese.
Are you in need of prayer?
Text or WhatsApp your prayer to 07513170210 and it will be shared with people in the diocese to pray. Or you can email your prayer to Prayers received will be distributed across the diocese to volunteers to pray in their own time as part of a daily rhythm of prayer.