Here in the Diocese of Chester, it's easy to think that Modern Day Slavery is not an issue that affects our churches. But its an issue that can impact in familiar settings such as the care sector, car washing and refugee communities living alongside us. Anti-Slavery Sunday next month (20th October) is part of a week of activities to encourage governments, businesses, friends, family and colleagues to do what they can to prevent human trafficking and protect victims of modern-day slavery.
The Bishop of Birkenhead, Bishop Julie Conalty the deputy lead for safeguarding in the Church of England said:
“It’s hard to believe that there are over 130,000 people trapped in slavery in the UK today. We probably see them without knowing it."
Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSOs) are on the frontline when it comes to responding to and caring for potential victims of modern slavery and the Clewer Initiative has developed a number of resources to help PSOs, clergy, church members and chaplaincies in their vital mission including the following sectors.
Bishop Julie explains:
"The Church of England has worked with the Clewer Initiative for a number of years now to raise awareness of this issue and train people how best to respond. They have produced a great online course that can help you to recognise modern day slavery and equip you to react appropriately – please consider making the time to do this training and learn to spot when people are being exploited."
Safe Car Wash App
Many hand car washes are legitimate businesses, but some are exploiting their workers. The groundbreaking Safe Car Wash App addresses this problem.
Care sector
Every week, thousands of church members visit friends and family in nursing homes. Many churches also provide formal chaplaincy services to care homes. Some congregations may have a large number of overseas health workers who work within the sector.
Rural sector
Modern slavery and labour exploitation are highly prevalent in rural areas. The unseen victims include children caught up in county lines, underpaid construction labourers, and exploited agricultural workers with seasonal visas.
Ukranian Refugees
A new resource to help Ukrainian refugees learn more about modern slavery and the risk of being drawn into exploitation by unscrupulous criminal gangs that are operating in the UK.
Resources and Courses
The website has lots of brilliant resources to raise awareness of modern slavery and equip the local church and community to get involved by spotting the signs.