
Pray for our new lay ministers

Please pray for the 12 men and women who are due to be licensed into lay ministry roles at Chester Cathedral on 9 October 2021. Pray for them, their new ministries, and for the parishes in which they will serve. 

An invitation to welcome Julie and Sam

All are invited to two special Welcome Services for the new Bishops of Birkenhead and Stockport, to praise, pray and offer thanks for the ministry of Julie and Sam as they begin their ministry amongst us.

Service for Emmanuel Theological College

A bright new dawn broke on Saturday as representatives from Church of England dioceses across the North West gathered together for a celebration service to launch the region’s newest theological college.

Teaching Day: Global Images of Christ

A teaching day to help us all think through the issues of race and ethnicity as they affect the Church today. Speakers include Revd Cham Kaur-Mann, Revd Shemil Matthew, and Revd Calvin Samuel.

General Synod elections 2021

The General Synod elections are currently underway. The diocese is required to elect four representatives in each of the two electoral areas to the House of Laity and six Proctors in Convocation.

Chester registers for Eco-Diocese

The Diocese of Chester has registered its intent to work towards Eco-Diocese status. To achieve bronze, silver, and gold status, the diocese must fulfill certain activities as part of the A Rocha environmental scheme.

Global Images of Christ

A landmark exhibition of over 40 works of art, sculpture, and images will challenge perceptions of how Jesus Christ and other people of faith are depicted. The exhibition opens at Chester Cathedral on 25 September.

Disability Awareness Day - 12 September

Our Engagement and Inclusion Officer Reverend Vanessa Layfield reminds us that Deaf and disabled people are an essential part of the Church. We celebrate the day with a video service which you can view online.

Wellbeing of all God's people

Early booking is recommended for a mental health conference that will take place in the days following World Mental Health Day. Keynote speakers include the Revd Dr Carla A. Grosch-Miller.

Installation of the new Bishops

The installation of the Bishop of Birkenhead and the Bishop of Stockport took place at Chester Cathedral on Sunday 05 September. The service was recorded on video and you can view it here.

Marking Anti Slavery Sunday, 17 October

Parishes are encouraged to mark Anti Slavery Sunday on 17 October by incorporating some of the themes into their church services and praying for those affected. Find out more and access some resources and ideas.

Medieval Discovery Day at Chester Cathedral 

Get ready to experience the medieval history of Chester Cathedral in a fun, immersive heritage day to be held on Saturday 11 September where you can spend all day with the Cathedral’s Works Department.

Nominations open for synodical committees

The process by which individuals can be nominated to synodical committees has opened. This follows the successful election of Diocesan Synod on 01 August. Nominations are open for a number of positions.

O still, small voice of calm

As Foxhill, House and Woodlands re-opens to all in the diocese, its Director, the Revd Jonathon Green offers a reflection on finding that moment of calm amidst the urgency and business of life.

CDN out Now

The September edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available. It focusses on our retreat centre, Foxhill House and Woodlands. Based in Frodsham, Foxhill, is re-opening to guests for day visits and overnight stays.

Julie and Sam take up duties

Bishop Julie and Bishop Sam have safely arrived in the diocese over the summer and have formally taken up their roles, beginning with parish visits to Bidston and Stretton respectively.

All Saints Thelwall - Digital Graveyard

All Saints Thelwall is the first church in our diocese to adopt a Burial Ground Management System (BGMS) – an interactive, web-based map using the latest technology to hold and protect burial records and locations.

National Graveyard Mapping Begins

19,000 churchyards are to be surveyed as part of a Church of England project to create a free digital map of every grave and feature in every churchyard in the country. St Bega in the Diocese of Carlisle is the first churchyard to be scanned.

Church Path Stolen

Two weeks ago thieves stole the path stones leading up to the entrance to St Mary's Lymm. It was the second time this has happened in just over a year. At the time the Vicar asked if we could delay the story until she had better news.

General Synod Elections

The process of elections to General Synod has now commenced with the period for nominations now open. The Nomination period will close at 12 noon on Wednesday 8 September 2021. 

Reconnecting Our Community

St Alban’s, Tattenhall recently brought together their community with a church fete that helped raise much-needed funds. Revd Canon Lameck Mutete talks about the welcome return of the fete to their church.

St. Mary’s parish in miniature

St. Mary’s Parish Church are hosting a Lego model of their building this Summer as part of the ‘Landmarks of Stockport Summer Challenge'. The church will be open on Saturday mornings for people to come and view it.

Chester Diocesan News out now

The August edition of the Chester Diocesan News is now available online as a PDF. This edition includes pictures from the consecration of Bishops Julie and Sam, along with a reflection and events.

Time for rest?

As many prepare to take a break for the summer, the Revd Christine Broad, Rector of Woodchurch and Dean of Women in Ministry reflects on the idea of "Sabbath" and says "the gift of Sabbath is a gift of love."

Living in Love and Faith

Jonny Masters, Youth, Children and Families Missioner, provides an update for parishes on Living in Love and Faith, which explores the themes of identity, relationships, sexuality and marriage.

New Church guidance as restrictions due to lift

As restrictions are lifted, the Church has issued guidance about opening and managing church buildings safely. The Bishop of London has also urged churches and individuals to continue to take precautions to protect the vulnerable.

Huge model railway at Chester Cathedral 

A massive model railway has come to life at Chester Cathedral today, the result of the Cathedral’s two-year collaboration with lifelong railway enthusiast Pete Waterman OBE.

1,000 booklets up for grabs

Parishes can claim a bundle of well-produced, accessible booklets produced by HOPE Together to share with others. The booklet, Hope in Uncertain Times has been written as a resource for churches. Claim a bundle of 50 today.

Diocesan Healing Adviser appointed

The Revd Timothy Hupfield has been appointed as a diocesan Healing Adviser. He was invited to take on the new voluntary role by Bishop Mark. He will remain Vicar of the parish of St Martin, Low Marple, and will be licensed on 21 July.

Mission Adviser takes up Church House role

The Revd John Hellewell has begun his new role as a diocesan Mission Adviser. John will be working to support parishes with their missional objectives and says he's looking forward to getting to know people in the parishes.

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